The first call for papers:

  • Papers or Posters are invited.
  • Topics could include ecology, biology, habitats, distribution, taxonomy, populations, field studies, telemetry and migration, fossils and evolution, behavior, acoustics, genetics and molecular studies, threats, conservation, ethno-ornithology, education, etc.

Submission of Abstracts:

  • From 1st April 2019 to 31st July 2019.

Please send your abstracts to the email addresses given below (Specify whether the Abstract is for Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation:-

cc to:-

Guidelines for abstract submission

Before emailing your abstract, you will need to specify:

  • If you are submitting an oral presentation or poster presentation.
  • If you will submit a paper for publication in the 2019 World Owl Conference Proceedings.

Abstracts must be in English and include:

  • Title (bold, no more than 20 words)
  • Names(s) of author(s)
  • Institutional affiliations
  • Emails of the authors
  • Keywords (up to 5)
  • Abstract body (no more than 300 words)
  • Abstract Form with all the requested fields and formats will be hosted in the next announcement.
  • Abstract to be submitted in Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing.
  • Please provide the following headings: goals, methods, results, and discussion (without titles).
  • Scientific names should be reported in italics without parentheses the first time the species is mentioned.
  • Common names of species should be reported uppercase initials (i.e., Indian Eagle Owl).
  • Standard abbreviations should be used for measurements (mm, m, km, g, kg, Hz, s, min, h, ºC, etc.), as well as for statistics (r, rs, t, X2, F, U, Z, df, SD, SE, N, P).
  • Points (.) should be adopted as decimal marks and commas (,) as thousand separators.

 Oral presentations:

  • Oral presentations will be 15 minutes long followed by 5 minutes for questions. Talks will be arranged by themes as per contents received.
  • Oral presentation slots will be limited so that all attendees can hear all presentations (there will be no concurrent sessions).
  • Some presentations submitted as oral papers may have to be accommodated as poster presentations due to conference agenda and schedule limitations.
  • The auditorium is equipped for Microsoft PowerPoint projection only. Please submit your presentation to the computer in your session room before the beginning of your session.

Poster presentations:

  • Presenters will be required to be available at their posters during the scheduled poster session to discuss their posters with interested viewers, but can also attend their poster whenever it is convenient for them.
  • Poster boards will be numbered. Presenters are to attach their posters to the board number corresponding to the number assigned to their posters in the final programme.
  • The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm (2’11”) width x 120 cm (3’11”) height.
  • Place the title and authors (as stated on the accepted abstract) at the top of the poster. The text, illustrations, etc. should be readable from a distance of 180 cm (6 feet).
  • Means of attaching posters shall be provided to poster presenters.

The decision about acceptance:

The abstract may be accepted either as an oral or poster presentation depending on the relevance of research and availability of time. The decision of the scientific committee shall be final and binding.

Countdown to the Conference
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